today, I will not give you new contents to read, but I will invite you to a very big international event that is hapening on 09/09/09. Starting at 7am GMT, leadership specialists members of the Leaders Cafe Foundation (LCF) will give 21 free webinars! 21 FREE WEBINARS from leadership specialists coming from 6 different countries. You have never seen so much contents delivered in a single event, I'm sure!
Note that I will give two hours of presentation, the first at 23h GMT (7pm EDT) and the second one right after at midnight GMT (8pm EDT). I hope you will all join me for these two presentations. The first one is explaining 3 complementary models of a team and the other one will talk about some symptoms a leader cannot overlook. The latter is inspired from the series of posts I did on this blog.
The link to attend all webinars is
The official communication with a lot more information now follows. I really hope you can join me and attend these presentations!
On 9th September 2009 Leaders Cafe Foundation group and differencemakers community will celebrate World Day of Interconnectedness with a 24 hour webathon (all free). There will be a leadership webinar starting every hour with a great line up of presenters from 6 countries.
The probable program is listed below. Final program will be updated at
Fellow LCF member, Ian Berry has the honour of kicking off the webathon at 8 am London time 090909 (07:00 GMT)
All times listed are GMT (EDT.
07:00 Ian Berry from Australia What Real Leaders Do and fake ones don't
08:00 Heather Davis from Australia "Taking it personally: Small ‘l' leadership"
09:00 Krishna Kumar from Australia You've planned your holiday but have you planned your life?
10:00 Sangeeth Varghese from India Defining moments that can change your life
11:00 Krishna Kumar Growing Roses and Chrysanthemums
12:00 Don Dunoon from Australia Leadership mode: Leadership as grounded in learning and relational work
13:00 Gino Federici Harmonious Oneness
14:00 Rhea D'Souza from India Leadership through storytelling
15:00 Rhea D'Souza At the edge of innovation
16:00 Kwai Yu from United Kingdom Why Should Anyone Be Led By You
17:00 Kwai Yu Finding Purpose
18:00 Kellie Frazier from USA Speak and Write With Intention
19:00 Joel Graham-Blake United Kingdom To Be Announced
20:00 Richard Norris from Scotland 7 Steps To Success
21:00 Ian Berry Standing out from the crowd - how to do today what others will be thinking about tomorrow
22:00 Ian Berry Differencemakers - how doing good is great for your life and work
23:00 Remi Cote from Canada 3 complimentary models of a team
00:00 Remi Cote Symptoms a leader cannot overlook
01:00 Jane Chin from Los Angeles Leaders Cafe Foundation launch in LA
02:00 Jane Chin Personal Branding including the launch of the ebook Who am I? the power of a personal brand by Ian Berry, Jane Chin, Remi Cote, Shelley Dunstone, Joel Graham-Blake, Pat Nautin, Leo Sonneveld, and Kwai Yu.
All participants in these webinars receive a copy of this ebook.
03:00 Jane Chin Personal Branding
You can participate in any of these free webinars by clicking on the following URL at the appropriate time
For more on the World Day of Interconnectedness visit
Thank you very much, Karim! I will resume these posts very soon. Give me your coordinates if you want to be notified when I post something.