Dear Managers and Leaders!
How can someone succeed in having other people follow him? How can a leader create all the conditions to ensure that people will trust him and suddenly go in the shown direction? Leadership is a complex phenomenon. Several books have been written on the topic, many serious people have tried to de-cipher the code but it remains a complex topic to understand.
Recently, on a different forum, I asked the “simple” question: “What is the most fundamental aspect of leadership?” I got a lot of answers to that simple question. Analyzing all the answers, I understood that there are 2 different areas of leadership and that one is not more important or fundamental than the other. The first area is the attitude of the leader. In that area, some people said that trust was the most fundamental aspect. Others said integrity. If you remember, back in February I had two posts related to the attitudes that a leader must adopt to be successful. This area of the art of leadership is tough to grasp and can only be developed through self-development.
The other area of the art of leadership that I discovered is the process of leadership. As you lead people, even if you have the greatest attitude in the world, it is likely you will fail if you do not follow certain guidelines and take some specific actions. This area of leadership is a lot easier to learn and describe.
I actually summarized the process of leadership in 6 easy steps. I now offer a free mini-course titled “6 Steps to Leadership” that describes it all! You can get access to this free mini-course by filling your name and email address in the form on the right of this post. There is no obligation and you will learn a lot about the process of leadership in the 3 emails that you will receive. Hope you will enjoy!
Until next time,
Remi Cote
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