Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Starting Something New: An Act of Pure Leadership!

Dear managers and leaders!

Isn't it funny how starting something new is always extremely exciting but difficult at the same time! Starting something is usually the realization of a dream so it is really exciting to get to that point. You have been preparing for this moment for so long! Gathering ideas or things, making plans, making sure that everything will be ready for this intense moment when you finally reach this point of no return! You will finally make your dream come true! How exhilarating!

However, starting something also means that change is coming to your life. You are going from one state to a different state. The initial state can be tough or far away from what you truly want to live, but it is still a known state. Going from a known state to an unknown state can feel like jumping off a cliff without knowing if you’ll finally be able to fly or if there will be a safety net to catch you if you actually fall!

Starting something also means that you need to finally expose to the world what you have had in mind for the last while. It is always scary to show people what you have been hiding for so long, to show who you truly are! Will people accept you with this new thing you’re starting? Will it work? Will this dream still be what you want once it becomes reality? What if it fails miserably? All those questions can make you shiver and paralyze yourself, sometimes enough to stop all activities! They are also really good reasons to procrastinate! Aren’t they?

Writing this first post on the Manager's Corner's blog leaves me with exactly these feelings! I’m excited and frightened at the same time! I've been dreaming of starting this blog for such a long time. Looking at other blogs to find the right style, gathering data and ideas to share with the management and leadership community I want to create. So I'm so excited about finally sharing all my ideas and theories on management and leadership with the entire Internet world! At the same time, I’m scared to death to expose myself to the world! Will people like what I’ll do? Will they actually benefit from what I have to say? So, starting this blog also has its fare share of fright and excitement!

You know, thinking about it some more now, isn’t starting something what leaders do every day? Leaders look at the current state of affairs, create a vision of the future for the new state they want to attain, and then build and execute a plan to go from the initial state to this new state. I tell you, leaders are professional at starting new things and they know a good deal about the fear and excitement associated with it! Yes, starting this blog is an act of pure leadership!

What about you? As leaders who are starting new things, do you also experience the mixed feelings of fear and excitement?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Remi,
    LinkedIn alerted me to the changes happening in your career, and I read your blog with great interest and pleasure.
    I resonated to the concept that leadership is about starting new things. And yes, for me too, it is always connected with both excitement and fear. Well said. I'll keep an eye on this blog.
    Marina Shalmon
    AccuRev Inc, www.accurev.com
